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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a bartending license?

Our school provides a flexible schedule for our students. This means that each student finishes the program at their own pace. There is no time limit to finish the course. On average, our students finish in 3-4 weeks.

Are there any military discounts?

Yes! Whether you are on active duty or a veteran, we give thanks to your services! We offer a 10% discount with proof of military affiliation


Something came up and I won’t be able to make it to class for a while. Is that going to affect me negatively?

Not at all! We understand that students have responsibilities outside out of the school which is why we offer Lifetime Membership with every enrollment. Each student learns and goes through the bartending school at their own pace.


Do you guys guarantee jobs once I graduate?

No, it is illegal for a school to guarantee or promise jobs to students. However, we offer lifetime job placement assistance to our graduates.


I cannot pay for the full course right now, but I really want to start. What can I do?

We offer in-house financing to accommodate the financial situation of any person wanting to sign-up. Give us a call at (714) 941-9715 to find out more!


Once I graduate, what kind of certificates or licenses do I receive?

Upon completing the program, our graduates receive a National Bartenders Certificate that is valid across the United States and an Alcohol Awareness (ServSafe) Certification that is required/highly recommended in all locations that serve alcohol.


Do I have to be 21 to attend bartending school?

No, you only need to be 18 years of age to sign up. However, you must be 21 to pour alcohol but only 18+ to serve alcohol.


Do I need to come back and re-certify for my Bartenders License?

No, students do come back to refresh their skills and practice new techniques. However, the Alcohol Awareness certification/license must be re-certified every 3 years.